Maria Miller MP is speaking to key community group leaders this week, as part of her local inquiry into the lived experiences of members of the Basingstoke community who are from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) background.
The Inquiry seeks to gather the voices of a diverse cross section of individuals from BAME background who live in the Basingstoke constituency. Maria has already reached out to a wide range of community leaders and organisations and will gain their formal input to the inquiry this week. Any constituents from BAME communities can take part and have their voice heard.
Maria commented; “Speaking about discrimination can still be difficult for individuals and that is why, as part of my Inquiry, I am also speaking to a wide range of community leaders here in Basingstoke. Like all of the evidence being collected it will be anonymised as set out when the inquiry was launched. That way I hope more people are encouraged to speak about their own experiences in our community. Everyone from the BAME community here in Basingstoke can have a voice by taking part in the inquiry. It is important people from the BAME community feel able to share lived experiences here in Basingstoke. There has been a very positive response to the Inquiry from individuals and local organisations.”
“The inquiry will consider the themes that are raised through this evidence and will share the evidence with relevant public/private sector organisations. These organisations can then work on identifying a plan to address the issues raised by Basingstoke’s BAME community.“
Call for Evidence & Guidance document attached.
The deadline for submissions is 31 July 2020 and responses should be emailed to