1. Slow down house building

Residents want to slow down house building, it's been too high for decades. Under governments of all colours Basingstoke has been growing too fast for too long. Maria has worked with other MPs to change planning law to allow Councils to make the case to cut house building numbers. A vote for Maria is a vote for the only candidate demanding that Basingstoke Council listen to the growing frustration of residents, use their new powers, and join other Councils in cutting house building numbers under the new law.

Get invloved | Sign the petition 

Thousands of residents have already signed the petition calling on the Borough Council to respect residents' views, take responsibility and use the new powers they have been given by the Government to halve house-building numbers. 

It is really important we get as many signatures, sign up below! (Data will only be retained whilst the issue is live)

Slow It Down Petition

I agree that Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council should significantly reduce house building numbers in their forthcoming Local Plan 


Maria Miller Submits Local Plan Consultation Response

In December, the Government announced significant changes to their house building planning policy, giving new powers and freedoms to local planning authorities, such as Basingstoke and Deane, through changes to the national planning policy framework.

More high- rise flats to be built.

Maria Miller, MP for Basingstoke has expressed concern about proposals for 450 flats including microflats as part of the development of Gresley Road.

Government ignores local residents in Bramley

It was announced today that the Government will push through the building of 270+ houses in German Road Bramley, going against local residents, the local Borough Council and the Planning Inspector, all of whom raised overwhelming concerns about the sustainability of these proposals. Speaking after

MP calls for change in local planning

Maria Miller, MP for Basingstoke is sponsoring a bid to bring in new laws regarding the funding of local services to support future house building. The Private Members Bill, sponsored Maria and tabled by Fareham MP, Mark Hoban, calls for it to be mandatory for local authorities and the Government t

Prime Minister disregards the need to invest in Basingstoke services

Today Maria Miller, MP for Basingstoke questioned the Prime Minister on the Local Inspectors decision to throw out plans for around 3000 houses in Basingstoke and the surrounding villages because local communities couldn’t cope with the scale of the building plans.

Maria fights for Basingstoke

Tomorrow, Wednesday 13th July, Maria Miller, Basingstoke’s new Member of Parliament will be putting the concerns of local Basingstoke residents on the issue of over development direct to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. Maria has been granted a special debate on this important issue.