Latest figures from the Office of National Statistics confirm that Basingstoke’s employment rate remains higher than across the South East as a whole in the year ending June 2023 and what’s more employment rates have increased compared with the previous year. Good employment support is essential to help residents who are currently unemployed and are looking for work. I was therefore delighted to go along to M3 Job Club’s end of year event to hear more about the successes the charity has had over the last year and speak with members about the support they have received as well as their experiences of looking for employment.
The M3 Job Club (M3JC) was set up in 2011, a community-based charity organisation which supports business professionals in the North Hampshire and surrounding areas back into the workplace, following redundancy or other challenges arising from leaving their place of employment. The Job Club works in partnership with local businesses, both corporate and SME to maintain their continued success.
Basingstoke is a great place to live and work, offering a wealth of opportunities, we are the most productive place in Hampshire and workers get paid over £5,500 more per year than the UK average. Organisations like the Job Club make sure that more experienced people are helped back into the workplace, meaning we have a strong & experienced work force contributing to a a strong thriving economy.