
Maria fights for Basingstoke

Tomorrow, Wednesday 13th July, Maria Miller, Basingstoke’s new Member of Parliament will be putting the concerns of local Basingstoke residents on the issue of over development direct to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister.


Ms Maria Miller MP had her skin checked at a special Molewatch clinic organised by Cancer Research UK yesterday. The clinic, staffed by dermatologists and specialist skin cancer nurses, was held to promote skin cancer awareness and the importance of SunSmart behaviour this summer.

Basingstoke Awarded Green Flag

Maria Miller, Basingstoke’s new MP is delighted that Eastrop Park has yet again been recognised through the Green Flag Award scheme.

MP calls slams Government failure on IVF pledge

Maria Miller, Basingstoke’s new MP has called the Government to account for failing to honour their pledge, made shortly before the last General Election, to provide one cycle of free IVF treatment for all eligible couples throughout the country.

Alzheimer’s Awareness Week : Think Again

Local MP, Maria Miller is supporting people with dementia and their carers in Basingstoke in the run up to Alzheimer's Awareness Week and will be collecting for the Alzheimer Society on Sunday 9th July at the Coach & Horses Garden Centre on London Road [A30].

Maria takes residents’ anger to Westminster

Maria Miller, Member of Parliament for Basingstoke spoke out in Parliament today calling for a change in the law covering mobile phone masts. Maria is keeping the pledge that she made in her General Election campaign to take the fight to change the law on mobile phone masts to Westminster.

Basingstoke Volunteer Honoured

Maria Miller, Basingstoke’s new MP welcomed Judith Blaza to Westminster to receive an award from the Older Volunteer Trust for her work with the Basingstoke Group of the Wessex Cancer Trust.